

Emoji Mural

Reading Time: 9 minutes There have been two things that have appeared in newer versions of JavaScript that I haven’t understood: Symbols and Iterators. When it comes to code I have to learn by doing, no amount of reading Mozilla Developer Network was going to help me understand Symbols. So I finally decided to stop reading articles, crack open


sipping a cup of Java making some copies

Reading Time: 6 minutes Have you ever sat down to write a bit of JavaScript thinking, “this is easy; shouldn’t take more than a few minutes,” and then six hours later there you are with a bottle of whisky in one hand and a sharpened stick in the other shouting curses in Latin at StackOverflow answers? Obviously that’s a


Moon in a circular window with the sea. It's weird

Reading Time: 3 minutes A complaint I hear sometimes from folks programmers learning JavaScript is that it has both null and undefined. If JavaScript is your first programming language, this may not seem weird, but once you compare it to others… yeah, it’s strange. I have some suspicions for why this is and they may not be right but


A Salvador Dali style painting of a digital clock where it looks like an analog clock forgot numbers and grew weird assymetrical antennae as legs

Reading Time: 2 minutes Who cares about friends? How would you like to piss of Todd who won’t shut up about this season’s IPAs and Elon Musk’s 4D chess he’s playing on Twitter? Screw Todd. No one likes him and he deserves to hurt for making you think about NFTs again. Let’s use JavaScript’s type coercion in awful ways


a moon in a moon wearing a hat because stuff is weird.

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is another one in the occasional series of, “weird JavaScript” where I address weird stuff in JavaScript that only haunts your nightmares if you dream in other programming languages. Today we discuss what the hell === actually does. Buckle-up buttercups. Grab a snickers and a whisky we’re going for a ride.


Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m not Kyle Simpson or Jordan Harband. I’m not some massive JavaScript influencer and OSSer who’s writing new lint tools and utilities. But I am a dude who loves code standardization. So I want to share some good-enough JavaScript practices that anyone who has to touch JS can follow.