
Weird JavaScript: Why does JavaScript have a === ?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is another one in the occasional series of, “weird JavaScript” where I address weird stuff in JavaScript that only haunts your nightmares if you dream in other programming languages.

Today we discuss what the hell === actually does. Buckle-up buttercups. Grab a snickers and a whisky we’re going for a ride.

a moon in a moon wearing a hat because stuff is weird.
I asked DALL-E for a Salvadore Dali style painting of a non-fungible token and honestly and this makes as much sense as anything related to JavaScript sometimes.

== is not

  • a “comparison of value, ignoring type”
  • a comparison, “for values equal to each other
  • “equal values”

== is:

  • A conversion of the operands,
  • if they are not the same type,
  • and then a comparison of their values

If == meant “ignore type” …

Open up your browser console. Look at what happens with the following commands:

“true” ==  true;
null == "null";
"NaN" == NaN;

If JavaScript just compared type or ignored type, then the above statements would all return true.

But they don’t.

They all return false.

if == meant, “same value”

[1] == 1; //true

Same values! they’re basically twinsies! One is just trapped inside of brackets!

[1] == true; //true

Right. I mean, that’s .. uh … huh…. [binary] or something. You know.. .1’s and 0’s and 1 means on or true or whatever. So… yeah. it’s kinda the same value…. sort of. They’re like cousins or something.

[true] == true; // false

Well, I mean. Arrays man. Come on…who compares an array? They’re like fraternal twins or something. You can’t do that.

"true" == true; // false

Wat ‽

If JavaScript coerces type…

0 == ""; // true

The right-hand operand is coerced into a number, via Number(‘’). That operation produces a zero. So 0 == 0; and that is a truth.

"0" == 0; // true

The right hand is coerced into a string via toString(). That produces a 100% truth that “0” == “0”;

[true] == true ; // false

The left hand is coerced into a string via .toString(). Then the right hand is coerced into a number via Number(). Then right hand is coerced again, to a string with .toString(). So you end up with the fake-news that “true” == “1”;

"true" == 1 ; // false

The right hand is coerced into a string via .toString(). So you end up with the sad state of affairs that is “true” == “1”;

JavaScript has coercion rules

Those coercion rules are the key to all of this. That’s why [1] == 1 is true, but [true] == true is false.

  • Arrays coerce to strings,
  • but booleans coerce to numbers,
  • and then Numbers coerce to strings.

Get to the point, Frank. What about ===

That turns off type coercion. All of the rules about how one thing evolves into another go the way of the dodo.

That is the only way to think of ===; it does not use any coercion.


  • == Values must be at least fraternal twins
  • === Values must be identical twins
  • != Value are frenemies
  • !== values are like Mother Russia and the US

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