
I am a Screenshare, not a Phishing Vector

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s 2021. We’re somewhere between one and thirteen years into the pandemic. Time isn’t really relevant any more, but what is relevant is what the hell is going on in your Zoom / Slack / Teams / Skype / Google Meets screensharing session. I’ve worked remotely for a decade, as have many of my colleagues.


Some Pretty terrible class names

Reading Time: 9 minutes Phil Karlton has famously said that the two hardest things in computer science are naming things and cache invalidation. That’s true. Naming stuff is hard, and so is updating a class name when the stylesheet is cached.


How is a cms headless when web pages need a

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Headless CMS” is all the rage these days, and for good reason: It’s easier to build the UI the way you want. Your front-end team doesn’t need to know anything about the CMS now, right? Wrong. Headless doesn’t mean clueless.


Reading Time: 7 minutes I usually write about front-end things or CMS things or node.js things. Sometimes a little of all three. This is about all of those things at once. And it’s about how I think that, sometimes, enterprises are fucking dumb. Note: The views expressed in here are not those of my employer. They are the views


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever wanted to delete a CSS ruleset, but didn’t know if it was being used on a site? Maybe you want to know how many empty h3s you’ve got. Or maybe you want to know how often a a .title and .subtitle are used together. I built a thing that can answer that question: The