

I purchased many years ago when I began a job  is my online resume, but it was really meant to be a demonstration of HTML5, CSS3, and SEO techniques. When I decided to stop my freelance business (Made by Paceaux), I migrated into what you’re reading now.

Some technical details about the blog

This site is built in WordPress and it uses an HTML5 theme created by Toolbox. I hacked it into my own child theme. It started as a hacking of toolbox’ CSS, and ended up being entirely original CSS written with stylus.

The Design


I use Helvetica. It’s a classic. No need to use typekit, google fonts, or some other font foundry. It’s a nice looking typeface that’s right there in your browser.
The line-height is set at around 1.618em and my margins are around .618em. I love the golden ratio and I find that it make very readable text.


To provide you the best page performance possible, I don’t use images in my designs. I like using CSS wherever possible to support the design.


My JavaScript library of preference is jQuery, and I use modernizr for helping out HTML5 in older browsers. Outside of that, I don’t use JavaScript as part of my design. If I don’t need jQuery, I go vanilla.

Looks awful in IE…

This website was written in valid HTML5 and CSS3; it was developed in and for the most modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Edge, and FireFox. I’ll apologize for how it looks in IE if you apologize for using it.