

Reading Time: 4 minutes As I’ve mentioned previously, I recently left Tahzoo and started working at a new company called Content Bloom. Last week was Content Bloom’s global training summit, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (if that’s a real place). Everyone at the company presented on a topic; it’s a chance for us to all teach each other.


Reading Time: 2 minutes So, my good buddy Wes has fallen in love with BEM, that glorious HTML/CSS methodology that adds reinforced steel to your front-end framework. And he discovered the other day that someone has written a SASS mixin for writing BEM. But…but…I’m more of a Stylus fanboy. Where’s my mixin? Oh, here it is…


Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last few months I’ve become a pretty big fan of a particular CSS preprocessor called Stylus. Stylus is a node.js-powered preprocessor that I’ve used with some clients. Stylus has offered a huge boost in both my productivity and quality— and I’ve conjectured that it even gives me an edge performance. After seeing huge


Reading Time: 4 minutes Last week I was hit with a small challenge of fixing a snippet of code that fixed a problem with a third party application called Media Manager. It  does some pretty nifty things with videos — but it also injects a <style> into the <body>. Because it does that, I had a challenge in changing the dimensions


Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday, with a measure of difficulty, I submitted my resignation to Tahzoo.


Reading Time: 3 minutes At my Media Manager presentation at Tridion Developer Summit a few weeks ago, I showed a trick for resizing your Media Manager videos outside of Media Manager’s outlets. This morning, I learned that there was a bug with the approach, and this afternoon, I found a fix. Let’s discuss.


Reading Time: 4 minutes A few months ago Robert Curlette invited me to speak at the first ever Tridion Developer Summit. Unfortunately, he only allowed me to pick one topic. Surprise! I chose SDL Media Manager. What I want to do today is provide follow-up to my presentation, as well as links to my presentation, also.


Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s been almost two weeks since the world’s first Tridion Developer Summit. This event was the first of its kind where Tridion developers from around the world had the chance to get together and share what we’re doing and how we do it. It was a bit like the analog version of tridion.stackexchange, but without


Reading Time: 2 minutes In a previous post, I talked about some general better practices for writing jQuery plugins that will play nicely in content management systems. Today, I’d like to introduce one such plugin: flexModal.


Reading Time: 4 minutes jQuery isn’t going anywhere. It’s the most widely used JavaScript-library, it has a huge community, and offers a plethora of plugins. With its wide-spread acceptance, it’s not surprising when CMS developers (Tridionauts and the like) get prototypes using different jQuery plugins like modal windows or carousels. What is surprising, however, is how often these jQuery