Content Management


Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve recently finished a big project with Tahzoo that runs on Tridion 2011 and uses Razor Mediator. There’s a growing number of Tridion  Razor Mediator implementations out there, but this one was a tad different for a few reasons. For one, this project was heavily taxonomy-dependent. Navigation is generated with categories and keywords, and even


Reading Time: 5 minutes Working in Content Management System (CMS) implementations has its challenges. While some of those challenges are in the application itself, many can be with the content authors. Content authors expect a certain amount of flexibility in how they can add or remove content on a page and we have to find a way to account


Reading Time: 3 minutes At Tahzoo, we pretty much shoot for HTML5 websites 100% of the time; the only time the project isn’t HTML5 is if the client explicitly says so. We have a current client whose HTML5 site also required some fun Ajax things like creating an interactive poll and even some email functionality. In order to really


Reading Time: 4 minutes support rapid updating of content, changes in Search Engine Marketing, and syndication of content. One of the core indicators of a well-architected CMS, in fact, is the separation of Design, Content, and Information Architecture. Put another way, the layout of a page is independent of the content on it, which is independent of the organization of pages. While there is much focus on getting the CMS to support the content strategies of now and the future, next to none goes into supporting the Brand strategies of the future.


Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m beginning the first in a series of posts call the CMS diaries. I’m a contractor for a very large and reputable organization which is launching a new website very soon.I was brought in specifically to serve as the business analyst for the web content management system. As exciting as that might sound, it isn’t. In the wonderful, wide, world of the web – the CMS is the dullest part. The guy who does your CMS is the accountant for Greenday. There’s no chance of being hip, cool, or creative. At best, he can say that he’s the reason American Idiot was 99 cents a song. Regardless, I will sexify the incredibly boring and forgotten part of your web redesign: The Web Content Management System.