

Reading Time: 7 minutes The original title was, “CSS’ Units of Measurement and their impact to the quality of responsive websites”, and then I thought, “I wouldn’t want to read that — there’s no way someone else would.” So I figured I’d try something semi-punny, and then hit you with the real title inside, like a journalist or something.


Reading Time: 3 minutes Any of my web development buddies have learned that I’m a huge fan of the em. Huge fan. We’d be Facebook friends, we’d go on vacation together, yadda yadda yadda. When you look at my online resume you’ll be hard-up to find too many px written into my stylesheet. In fact, almost every property with


Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m in a CSS mailing list and this morning, Vince over at Ghodmode Development shared a fun little experiment showing that an em isn’t an “m” in CSS. I, along with others, more or less responded with “d’uh”. We’ve seen this phenomenon for years and didn’t totally understand the purpose. In fact, I attempted to