
DXA 1.6 and Audience Manager

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Recently we’ve been working with DXA 1.6 and Audience Manager in a Web 8.5 implementation. We’ve had trouble getting our contacts to save. Now we know why it wasn’t working.


Below is what we have in our Apicontroller inside of a GetPageModelByUrl() method:

SMWTridionProfile tridionProfile = (userId != null) ? FindTridionProfile(userId, localization.LocalizationId) : null; 
if (tridionProfile != null) 
  AmbientDataContext.CurrentClaimStore.Put(AudienceManagerClaims.AudienceManagerContact, tridionProfile.Id.ToString(), ClaimValueScope.Session);
else if(tridionProfile == null && userId != null)
  tridionProfile = SaveInitialContact(userId, addressBookIdParam, localization.LocalizationId);
  AmbientDataContext.CurrentClaimStore.Put(AudienceManagerClaims.AudienceManagerContact, tridionProfile.Id.ToString(), ClaimValueScope.Session);
What you see is a load of empty contacts. All they have is the id.

Our issue, specifically, is with SaveInitialContact(). SDL has now reported that there is potential reason that this method is the problem:

  • DXA 1.6 was released before SDL Web 8.5
  • DXA 1.6 uses Content Interaction Library (CIL) 8.3
  • DXA 1.7 came out after SDL Web 8.5
  • DXA 1.7 uses the 8.5 CIL

So, if you’re running DXA 1.6 on Web 8.5 and you’re using audience manager, SaveInitialContact() won’t work as I’ve illustrated above.

But this leaves a much bigger question

If you’re using DXA 1.6 on Web 8.5, how should you use SaveInitialContact()?

I’m open for ideas.