
Stylus and BEM: A quick mixin

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So, my good buddy Wes has fallen in love with BEM, that glorious HTML/CSS methodology that adds reinforced steel to your front-end framework. And he discovered the other day that someone has written a SASS mixin for writing BEM. But…but…I’m more of a Stylus fanboy. Where’s my mixin? Oh, here it is…

But first, a downside

Wes and I discussed the value of actually using a BEM mixin. After all, it could make BEM appear less legible. Not only that, BEMifiying isn’t that hard in Stylus today. If you’re using Stylus, and you’re writing BEM for a header, it could look like this:

	display: flex
	flex-direction: column
		display: flex
		flex-direction: row
		flex-direction: column

We’re relying on the & keyword in Stylus, which means, “get the parent selector, and put it here”. So in writing &__ we’re saying, “get the parent selector, and now add a double-underscore.”

Hold shift, press 7; hold shift, press - twice. Three keystrokes while holding shift, and that gets you the following CSS:

.header {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
.header__nav {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
.header--vertical {
  flex-direction: column;

So why use a mixin at all?

If something’s already simple, why overcomplicate it?

  • It’s another layer of abstraction that keeps you DRY
  • If you need to modify your BEM approach; switch from __ to _, you can do that

If you’re in the habit of commenting out your HTML, you’ll find validation errors in using the -- for modifiers. Using a mixin allows you to easily fix that in one place, rather than many.

The mixin

Here you go. The Stylus version is a bit cleaner than the SASS version, but the impact to the user is identical: +m(name) for modifiers, and +e(name) for elements.

And, yes, +m() is four keystrokes instead of three — and it requires you to take a finger off of shift — but is it oh so terrible that you’ve now centralized your naming methodology?