June 2014


Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last few months I’ve become a pretty big fan of a particular CSS preprocessor called Stylus. Stylus is a node.js-powered preprocessor that I’ve used with some clients. Stylus has offered a huge boost in both my productivity and quality— and I’ve conjectured that it even gives me an edge performance. After seeing huge


Reading Time: 4 minutes Last week I was hit with a small challenge of fixing a snippet of code that fixed a problem with a third party application called Media Manager. It  does some pretty nifty things with videos — but it also injects a <style> into the <body>. Because it does that, I had a challenge in changing the dimensions


Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday, with a measure of difficulty, I submitted my resignation to Tahzoo.


Reading Time: 3 minutes At my Media Manager presentation at Tridion Developer Summit a few weeks ago, I showed a trick for resizing your Media Manager videos outside of Media Manager’s outlets. This morning, I learned that there was a bug with the approach, and this afternoon, I found a fix. Let’s discuss.