

Reading Time: 7 minutes I’ve recently had a bout of philosophy that I can’t quite shake. I like philosophy a lot, and I think we’re all philosophers. I think I picked up that idea in my Ayn Rand phase, where she said, As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your


Reading Time: 2 minutes So, my good buddy Wes has fallen in love with BEM, that glorious HTML/CSS methodology that adds reinforced steel to your front-end framework. And he discovered the other day that someone has written a SASS mixin for writing BEM. But…but…I’m more of a Stylus fanboy. Where’s my mixin? Oh, here it is…


Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last few months I’ve become a pretty big fan of a particular CSS preprocessor called Stylus. Stylus is a node.js-powered preprocessor that I’ve used with some clients. Stylus has offered a huge boost in both my productivity and quality— and I’ve conjectured that it even gives me an edge performance. After seeing huge