

SelectorHound is the thing that finds CSS selectors when you're tired of trying

Reading Time: 4 minutes A few years back I ran into a difficult situation on a project: I needed to find out where a particular CSS selector was used. I had a static version of the site, and so I did what any fool might do and I tried searching for it in my IDE. I had two problems


Reading Time: 7 minutes I usually write about front-end things or CMS things or node.js things. Sometimes a little of all three. This is about all of those things at once. And it’s about how I think that, sometimes, enterprises are fucking dumb. Note: The views expressed in here are not those of my employer. They are the views


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever wanted to delete a CSS ruleset, but didn’t know if it was being used on a site? Maybe you want to know how many empty h3s you’ve got. Or maybe you want to know how often a a .title and .subtitle are used together. I built a thing that can answer that question: The


Reading Time: 2 minutes This is another in a series that’s based off of my presentation at the Tridion Developer Summer this year on Tridion and Node.js. My two previous posts covered why Node.js mattered with Tridion, and how Node would work as a content API. What I want to talk about, briefly today, is what you can do


Reading Time: 4 minutes This is inline with a small series of posts I want to write as a follow-up to my presentation at the Tridion Developer Summit this year on Tridion and JavaScript. In this article I want to discuss some specifics of using Tridion and Node together, where Node is used to provide a Rest API. We’ll


Reading Time: 4 minutes A few months back I had the opportunity to speak at the Tridion Developer Summit. You can go through my slides, or watch my presentation first, if you’d like. What I want to do is expand on many of the different points that I made during my presentation. It’s hard to cover all of my thoughts in


Reading Time: 4 minutes Version 59 of Chrome introduced something really cool for Mac developers: a Headless Chrome. It means that now we can run Chrome without using Chrome. How cool is that? In the past we’ve relied on phantom.js or Selenium Webdriver for browser automation and testing. But now, the Chrome team has provided us the ability to


Reading Time: 7 minutes I’ve recently had a bout of philosophy that I can’t quite shake. I like philosophy a lot, and I think we’re all philosophers. I think I picked up that idea in my Ayn Rand phase, where she said, As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your


Reading Time: 3 minutes If you know Grunt.js, this post is for you. Grunt is a super awesome node.js-based task runner. It makes development easier, your productivity faster, and your attractiveness… attractiver. I don’t want to go through all 3,000+ reasons that Grunt is fantastic, so I’ll just give you one: You’re writing some JavaScript files. You’d like them to