
Reading Time: 6 minutes Not too long ago, I was put on a new project at Tahzoo and I got to hear what many developers in the community (and even at Tahzoo) can only fantasize about:  “Be as cutting edge as you want.”. A coworker, Joe Shirley, and I, were given the freedom to use whatever tools, techniques, and


Reading Time: 5 minutes Working in Content Management System (CMS) implementations has its challenges. While some of those challenges are in the application itself, many can be with the content authors. Content authors expect a certain amount of flexibility in how they can add or remove content on a page and we have to find a way to account


Reading Time: 2 minutes So in a follow-up to my post on layering the feedback with CSS, I’ve created a simple starting point with styling our forms: a form feedback boiler plate.


Reading Time: 4 minutes Feedback Matters Long gone are the days where all we did was stare at a website and absorb content. We fill out contact forms, buy stuff, hold chat sessions, Tweet this and unlike that. These website interactions become more complex as they slowly get better at mirroring real-world interactions. One of the steps in mirroring


Reading Time: 4 minutes support rapid updating of content, changes in Search Engine Marketing, and syndication of content. One of the core indicators of a well-architected CMS, in fact, is the separation of Design, Content, and Information Architecture. Put another way, the layout of a page is independent of the content on it, which is independent of the organization of pages. While there is much focus on getting the CMS to support the content strategies of now and the future, next to none goes into supporting the Brand strategies of the future.