
The hardest part about CSS actually isn't calculating specificity. It's saying 'specificity'.

Reading Time: 8 minutes There’s a seldom-discussed concept in web software development called cyclomatic complexity which is a metric used to indicate how complex a program or unit of code is. It’s not discussed very often because, well, it’s really not exciting. You can get VS Code plugins that will measure the cyclomatic complexity and they can be somewhat


Some Pretty terrible class names

Reading Time: 9 minutes Phil Karlton has famously said that the two hardest things in computer science are naming things and cache invalidation. That’s true. Naming stuff is hard, and so is updating a class name when the stylesheet is cached.


Reading Time: 5 minutes So you’re a back-end developer. You write .net or Java all day. You create Schemas and Templates in Tridion. It’s Friday. The front-end developers have signed off early and you just got a high priority bug. And it’s in the CSS. You hate CSS. What do you do?


Reading Time: 5 minutes I had a discussion recently about whether to put CSS into Tridion as multimedia components or code components, and it triggered a really fun discussion. We talked about all of our different strategies and use-cases for managing the CSS in SDL Tridion, and it seems like something that other folks may ask about in the


Reading Time: 4 minutes As I’ve mentioned previously, I recently left Tahzoo and started working at a new company called Content Bloom. Last week was Content Bloom’s global training summit, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (if that’s a real place). Everyone at the company presented on a topic; it’s a chance for us to all teach each other.


Reading Time: 2 minutes A good long while ago, I discovered that contenteditable was a pretty nifty attribute to play with, especially when you get CSS involved. Then I stumbled upon the scoped attribute which you can apply to a <style>block, which isolates styles to a specific container. And then I wrote a jQuery plugin. Well, now it’s gotten


Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve been working for the last month or two on some super cool mobile templates for a client. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, we’ve pulled out all of the awesome for this. If Tridion were a person, it would be peeing its kilt with excitement every day — even though it definitely isn’t wearing


Reading Time: 11 minutes CSS is so cool and easy! Since it’s not a programming language, anyone can do it! You just need to know the properties and how to write a selector, and the job is done! If you agreed with any of those statements, then this post is for you. CSS is cool, but it isn’t easy.