

Reading Time: 4 minutes The other day I had a fun conversation with a friend and one-time co-worker, Wes Ruvalcaba. We were talking about CSS Grid and the fr unit and how it didn’t quite behave the way (I) expected. Wes and I got to chatting a bit more about our wants and complaints about CSS, and this lead


Reading Time: 9 minutes In July of 2015 I had the opportunity to participate in the first ever SDL Hackathon. The rules were relatively simple: Pick an SDL product, do something cool with it. In recent months I’ve been learning quite a bit about the Canvas API, an interface that’s part of the new HTML5 specifications. So, I decided


Reading Time: < 1 minute Recently we’ve been working with DXA 1.6 and Audience Manager in a Web 8.5 implementation. We’ve had trouble getting our contacts to save. Now we know why it wasn’t working.  


Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m on a project currently where our Tridion templating is done entirely in server-side JavaScript. That’s challenge one. Challenge two: Get those server-side, JavaScriptified components editable in Experience Manager. Well, turns out, there’s an easy way to do that!


Reading Time: 6 minutes You’ve read my previous post on JavaScript frameworks, and you’ve established that you should definitely use one with your Tridion implementation. Ok. Fine. But which one? There’s so many! I’ve shared my thoughts on some JavaScript frameworks in chats, emails, and discussions. So below is a quick summary of what I’ve been saying over the


Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s a growing trend of ditching traditional “back-end” frameworks for dynamically rendering pages. As the interest in client-side frameworks grows, so does confusion about which one to use. There’s React! But then there’s Angular…and have you heard about Vue? What about Handlebars? But let’s back up a second. Should you even use one at all?


Reading Time: 2 minutes For the most part, good front-end code isn’t affected by the application that serves it. And, for the most part, good front-end code doesn’t need to be written specifically for that application. But there are some exceptions —like structuring the HTML for a title and a link when the link is optional. That’s a case


Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve been working in a particular Tridion implementation for quite some time now. It doesn’t have Site EditExperience Manager set up. So when I find a page, I have to sort out in my own brain what the actual url is. And then I have to type it into a browser and actually go there.


Reading Time: 2 minutes This came up today. A few guys on the front-end team were trying to figure out why a link wasn’t working. I came in on the tail-end of the problem, when one of them shared the source code for a link. They were ready to start down the path of, “let’s find it in the


Reading Time: 6 minutes One of the really fun projects that we worked on over the 2017 SDL MVP retreat was one that involved one of my favorite things: JavaScript. In particular, using JavaScript with SDL’s DXA framework. In two short days at the SDL MVP retreat, Bart Koopman, Raimond Kempees, Niclas Cedermalm, Saurabh Gangwar, and I, managed to