

Screenshot of CSS with some snark

Reading Time: 3 minutes CSS continues to offer new ways to select things in ways we never could’ve imagined in the past (especially for an old timer like me). Today I want to focus on a possible (but not always probable) use-case: I have exactly n elements in a container. How can I do something only when all elements


Reading Time: 3 minutes So a good while back I released this CSS utility / NPM Package called typography-baseline. It was a handy way to kickstart complex web projects because it set base typographic styles. Then I needed something for tables. And then I needed something for forms, too. So, well, you guessed it. Now there are three baselines.


Reading Time: 3 minutes So a while back I released this CSS tool / NPM Package called typography-baseline.css. It was a pretty handy way to kickstart projects because it set some baseline styles to all my typography. More recently, I’ve come into some situations where I thought, “gee, it’d be nice if I had some starter for tables, too.”


Some Pretty terrible class names

Reading Time: 9 minutes Phil Karlton has famously said that the two hardest things in computer science are naming things and cache invalidation. That’s true. Naming stuff is hard, and so is updating a class name when the stylesheet is cached.


How is a cms headless when web pages need a

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Headless CMS” is all the rage these days, and for good reason: It’s easier to build the UI the way you want. Your front-end team doesn’t need to know anything about the CMS now, right? Wrong. Headless doesn’t mean clueless.


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever wanted to delete a CSS ruleset, but didn’t know if it was being used on a site? Maybe you want to know how many empty h3s you’ve got. Or maybe you want to know how often a a .title and .subtitle are used together. I built a thing that can answer that question: The


Reading Time: 3 minutes I have a very handy, very small CSS Snippet that I use to debug CSS whenever the browser starts starts misbehaving. I figure I’d share with you, in case you, too, needed such a snippet.


Reading Time: 8 minutes
Folks who are brand new to web development, particularly front-end, might hear the term “Specificity” or “CSS Specificity” and when they look it up the answer can seem daunting and confusing.

I want to break it down in very simple, very non-technical terms so that someone brand-new to the world of front-end can understand what it is


generated meme of Side-eye Chloe with the text,Could you Not :not()

Reading Time: 4 minutes CSS is full of little gotchas and head scratchers. It’s also got a land mine or two that’s all too easy to step on. One of those landmines is the :not() pseudo-class. As useful as it may seem, I’d like to encourage you to not use it, unless you really, really mean to because of