

Reading Time: 9 minutes It’s only a few weeks after  what happened in Aurora that we see it again:  One person steals life from another. He shows the world how little he values life— and he really worships death in cruel and sick ways. Though we are all equally given life, he believes we are not all equally deserving.


Reading Time: 7 minutes A few days ago, around midnight, I published a wildly popular article rant on gun control. By wildly popular, it’s had over a hundred unique pageviews since Saturday night (a record for anything I’ve written).  I don’t average that many unique pageviews in a week, so by my meager standards, it’s popular. It was popular enough,


Reading Time: 7 minutes I don’t blog much about my faith and I’ve never really talked about politics before. I am a born-again evangelical  — just about anyone who’s spent more than 20 minutes talking to me will figure that out. And though I enjoy talking about my faith and sharing my testimony with just about anyone who I’ve known


Reading Time: < 1 minute So, a few weeks ago, my wife in her infinite beauty and grace allowed me to buy an Ibanez 7-string guitar. That makes a total of seven guitars. My fingertips are happy. I got the 7-string so I could have an electric exclusively dedicated to alternate tunings.  I’ve played a Fender Tex-Mex strat with a Floyd Rose


Reading Time: 5 minutes A very wise man once told me to expect Office Politics anywhere. He actually didn’t need to tell me, because I kind of suspected it. But regardless, he reminded me that every business is crazy in their own special way; don’t expect crazy to just disappear. I thought that I was okay with that axiom, but as it turns out — I’m not. I accept the existence of Politics as a fundamental nature of humanity. But when it becomes harmful and dangerous to the business, I don’t think that it’s okay to just cough up the phrase, “that’s Office Politics for ya. Take it or leave it.” If someone tells me just to take it, I think I’d rather lead it, than leave it.


Reading Time: 6 minutes I’d like to introduce you to Jerry. You will see his picture in a second. To you Jerry will look like just a smiley face, but for me he’s a lot more. I’ve taken Jerry to every desk I ever had, and now that I’m moving on to another company, he’s coming, too. You see, Jerry taught me more about business, myself, and God than anyone else ever could. I’d like to share his story.