
Reading Time: 2 minutes So, it’s a tad overdue, but I’d like to briefly mention something that happened about a month ago. I got this super neat email from Nuno Linhares, who works at SDL.


Reading Time: 2 minutes As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’ve been working with Media Manager pretty heavily these last few months. One thing that I’ve noticed is that there’s no real jQuery plugins out there to assist with embedding Media Manager videos. Well, that’s no longer the case!


Reading Time: 3 minutes For the last few months, I’ve been doing a substantial amount of front-end work on SDL’s Media Manager tool. While you can find a pretty decent amount of information on Tridion via blogs and stack exchange, you won’t find much on Media Manager. Let’s start by introducing outlets.


Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m close to two weeks overdue, but it’s never too late to reflect on 2013, right? I’ve written a lot about a lot of different stuff, so I thought it’d be fun to do a year in review. Let’s get started. 


Reading Time: < 1 minute So, my wife and I are adopting. A good friend recommends a book on babies. For me. He sends me a link to ThinkGeek.com, as he knows that I am likely to trust this website as an authority on miniature humans.